+ Cardiac surgery

Cardiac surgery is the specialty of medicine concerning the surgical treatment of pathologies related to the heart and thoracic aorta. A cardiac surgeon is a type of cardiothoracic surgeon who specializes in operating on the heart, its valves and structures, and the important veins and arteries near it. General cardiothoracic surgeons focus on all of the organs of the upper abdomen, including the lungs, esophagus, and heart. Cardiac surgeons work only with the heart. Another name for a cardiac surgeon is a cardiovascular surgeon

Additionally, a congenital heart surgeon is a cardiac surgeon who specializes in surgery for congenital heart defects, meaning the defect is present from birth. These surgeries are usually for infants and children, but sometimes adults too.

What is difference between cardiologist and cardiac surgeon?

Cardiac surgeons are not cardiologists, or doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating heart disease. Cardiologists can diagnose heart problems, perform minimally invasive procedures, and provide long-term treatment. Cardiac surgeons work on cardiologists' advice and provide treatment of complicated surgical procedures. They rarely see their patients outside of surgical consultation, operation, and early aftercare.

Cardiologists typically refer people to a cardiac surgeon when the need arises, because most cardiologists do not perform heart surgeries themselves. They generally perform diagnostic tests and help people manage chronic heart conditions. They may perform more minor surgical procedures like placing stents to keep arteries open.

What Does a Cardiac Surgeon Do?

Cardiac surgeons perform surgery on the heart, the aorta, the pulmonary vein, and other important structures related to cardiac health. They do not typically diagnose heart disease. Before visiting a surgeon, you may already have a diagnosis from a cardiologist. After determining that you need surgery, they will refer you to a cardiac surgeon.

A cardiac surgeon will monitor your condition directly after surgery. Once you are recovering at home, though, you will typically return to the care of your cardiologist.

Education and Training

Cardiac surgeons attend medical school for four years. Following this, they complete a general surgical residency that lasts between five and seven years. The residency is a training period in which a more experienced surgeon supervises the resident.

After residency, a cardiac surgeon must train for an additional two to four years.

Residency in the Division of Cardiac Surgery

Residency in cardiac surgery may be entered via two routes; a three year program after completion of general surgery or a six year program beginning after medical school clerkship.